How do we live well and stay grounded in an uncertain world?
In these times of rapid change and uncertainty, what can we do to stay calm and grounded but also connected to the world around us?
At this special event, Positive Psychology and resilience expert Dr Maria Sirois will share the amazing power that comes from appreciating the beauty and goodness in our world. She'll explain how seeing beautiful things helps to calm and heal - also how being more aware of goodness helps us be better human beings.
Dr Sirois will combine stories and science to offer practical guidance on how to navigate periods of pain or darkness - and those times where inspiration just seems hard to find. She will introduce her concept of 'The Generous Exchange' which focuses on restoring hope for the good things that will be possible for ourselves, for others and for our world.
By taking part you’ll learn practical and inspiring ways to help you apply these ideas and to integrate this strength of appreciating beauty and goodness in your daily life.
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About the speaker
Dr Maria Sirois, Psy.D. is a resilience expert, positive psychologist and international consultant, known for her authenticity, wisdom and compassion. She has spent more than three decades - in the boardrooms of business, bedsides of the dying and everywhere in between - offering stories and science to cultivate resilience, health, wisdom and a greater capacity to lead ourselves and others well, no matter the strain or suffering of the moment. Her new book is The Generous Exchange: How Attention to Beauty, Goodness and Excellence Restores Us and Our World. She is also the author of 'A Short Course in Happiness After Loss' and 'Every Day Counts'.