Donate Online

You can donate to us via Just Giving.

Or Donate via PayPal Giving Fund (UK) or Transfer directly via PayPal (multiple currencies supported).
Donate via cheque or bank transfer
You can donate via a cheque by sending this to:
Action for Happiness, WeWork, 3 Waterhouse Square, 138 Holborn, London EC1N 2SW.
Alternatively if you would like to make a donation directly into our bank account please contact us at [email protected] and we will provide our account details.
Raise money to support Action for Happiness
You can also make a huge difference to our work by becoming a fundraiser. If you're doing a charity run, entering a challenge or putting on some other fundraising event, you can raise money for Action for Happiness and help raise the profile of our campaign.

Raise money locally to support our work by sponsored community, sporting or other creative events.

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Gives you friendly nudges with an action idea each day Sends you inspiring messages to give you a boost Helps you connect & share ideas with like-minded people