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Kristin Neff
Self Compassion in difficult times
Self-care isn't selfish, it's essential. But how can we learn to be kinder to ourselves, especially when facing difficult times?
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Mo Gawdat & Anahita Moghaddam
Authentic Happiness
How can we be happier and help create a happier society?
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Matthieu Ricard & Professor Wolf Singer
Beyond The Self
Insights from Buddhism and neuroscience to help us live happier and more compassionate lives
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Dr Kristin Neff
Learn to cope better with the inevitable struggles of life
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Nic Marks
Intelligent Happiness
Does success lead to happiness?
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Dr Ilona Boniwell
Positive Psychology for a Happier World
Happiness in the work place, education and parenting
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Geoff Mulgan
Action for Happiness launch: Geoff Mulgan
Building happier communities
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Prof Richard Davidson
Wellbeing Skills
Can wellbeing skills be learned?
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Dr Nerina Ramlakhan
Inner Safety and Sleep
Can feeling safe help us sleep better?
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Ruby Wax
Beyond Frazzled
2020 was a truly challenging year. How can we start the new year with a sense of positivity and hope?
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Matthieu Ricard
Happiness & Loving Kindness
How can we live in a way which cultivates inner peace and contributes to a happier world, especially in difficult times?
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Juliette Burton
Crazy Talk: a comedian's take on mental health
It’s vital that we talk openly about our feelings and state of mind. But how?
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Dr Rangan Chatterjee
Lifestyle, health & happiness
How to relax, eat, move and sleep our way to a healthier and happier life?
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Dr Brian Marien
How to build resilience and boost wellbeing
How to increase our self-awareness, improve our emotional regulation and become more resilient when things go wrong?
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Helen Russell
Living Danishly: inspiring ideas from the world's happiest country
What is the secret to their success?
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Daniel Goleman
The science of attention
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